Integratable PHP Scripts and Tools:
Simple Blog PHP
responsive - could fit any screen - desktop, tablet or mobile device
option to use meta title and meta description, so the blog will be more SEO friendly
any language support
installation is one step simple process(we provide free installation)
WYSIWYG(text) editor for the post text
images, flash movies, vimeo and youtube videos are supported in the post message
categories, latest post titles, archive in the right-side bar(all optional)
ability to place particular category on a separate page

Design Blog PHP
fully responsive front-end - work well on all mobile phones and tablets
any language support
simple designed and protected admin area for blog management
meta title and meta description are included for better SEO
option to allow comments on each post
option to approve comments before having them listed
CSS styles could be controled in admin area options or css file
fully readable and easy customizable open php source code
Event Script PHP
responsive - could fit any screen - desktop, tablet or mobile device
visitors are able to submit their own events(optional)
categories for events
option to show the event location in google map
option to set featured event on the top of all events
option to set the number of events per page
visual(css) options in admin area for changing the colors, fonts, styles for events

News Script PHP
fully responsive - work well on mobile devices
password protected admin area from where you can control multiple options and features
publish news in any language
text editor with ability to upload images and embed youtube videos into the news content
categories for the news(optional)
meta title and meta description are included for better SEO
simple, uncomplicated script with easy to understand menus, features, etc.
anyone with a minimum knowledge of websites can install it and make it work
NewsLetter Script PHP
fully responsive subcription form and news
ability to place the newsletters subscription form on any page of your website
ability to show the subscription form fields in horizontal or vertical order
option to show the subscription form in popup window
ability to place all the created newsletters as news on a the page of your website
option to send confirmation email to verify subscribers
upload your list of email addresses from .csv file

Photo Gallery PHP
very easy to integrate into a web page - just drop a single line of code
fully responsive front-end - it works on all mobile device screens
easy one step installation wizard
password protected admin area where you could manage images, options, visual style and language
option to choose between pagination or "load more" to show more images
option to choose the number of thumbnail images per line
create unlimited number of albums
each album could be placed on a separate page of your website
Simple CMS PHP
the cms could be used in already existing websites to control their page contents
just paste the single line of code generated in admin area on the place of your page where you intend to manage the content
option to include page contents into web pages through php include, javascript or iframe embed
insert/edit/delete images, youtube and flash videos into the content
friendly administrator page
option to create users(editors) with different rights to control the page contents

More scripts and tools for your html website
News Script PHP Pro
More advanced news script with many features like Editors(Authors), Top News for your home page, News Slider, Comments on news, News Archive section and other.Classified Ads Script PHP
Once integrated on your website, the user(vendor) will be able register and post free advertisements in different categories. Visitors are able to send requests to vendor.Newspaper Script PHP
Could be included into any page of your website. Showing news items in a grid. Support categories, no complicated menus and features. Administrator manage all news and options.FAQ Script PHP
Knowledgebase "Frequently Asked Questions" script. It could be added into any website. Visitor is able to submit a question. Administrator manage questions, answer and options.Funeral Script PHP
Suitable for funeral homes or just placing obituaries on a personal website. Support condolences with "Lit a Candle" feature. Support Moderators(Editors) area with non-administrative rights.Slideshow Script PHP
Slideshow for your web pages. You can create unlimited number of photo slideshows and place them on the pages of your website. Administration area for managing slides, categories and options.GuestBook Script PHP
Could be used on your comments or testimonials page in any kind of websites - hotels, web or outsource services, product comments, feedback, `what our customer say` page. Admin area for managing comments.Simple Forum PHP
Simple yet functional forum than can be integrated in the design of your website and managed by administration area. It could be used as discussion board as well.Contact Form PHP
For almost all the websites the contacts are the most important thing, so this script could be used to create a contact form and fit colors and design of the web page. Admin manage contacts and options.Scripts Main Features

We may handle all the installation and testing process and this will be completelly free and painless for you.
Our scripts are designed in such way that if your website is responsive the scripts front-end will fit your mobile, tablet and desktop design.
You may translate all the words and sentences in the scripts front-end and back-end in the language you need.
There are visual options in the back-end where you will be able to change colors, fonts, sizes and ther css elements of the front-end to best suit your web page.
More Features
Easy Single Step Installation
One page installation wizard will ask you for the details of installation. All the scripts come with installation instructions in the zip pack.
Protected administrator area
All the scripts are offered with administration area where the admin will be able to manage all entries, posts, news and options.
Protected against attacks
The scripts are fully protected against MySQL injections, Cross Site Scripting(XSS) attacks and external file uploads.
Full source code included
All the HTML, CSS and PHP are simple written, so any web developer/designer will be able to modify codes and change the scripts visuality and functionality.
Latest script releases
What Our Customers Say
Custom Web Development
Trust in our over 10 years of experience in website development and SEO optimization.
Website Design and Development
Website design at affordable prices. Our web development services can fully meet your individual needs.
Website management and maintenance
Professional website management, administration and technical support for your website to function properly.
Online marketing and advertising
We offer different advertising packages and solutions on Google AdWords according to your individual needs...
Whether your website's purpose is to represent you and your business or to sell your products and services, we will create exactly what you need. We will create a website that not only looks good and presents you in the best possible way, but which will meet both your needs and your customers' needs.
About Us website is owned by Stoyan Nedev.
The company started in 2007 with main activity - software development.

The website represents an exclusive collection of PHP/MySQL based web scripts, developed by SimplePHPScripts team.
SimplePHPScripts customers are from web development hobbyists to small companies and engineers working in web development departments in some of the largest companies in world.
- Creating PHP SCRIPTS.
- Instalation of the scripts.
- Scripts SUPPORT - modifications and changes on our scripts.