How to install News Script PHP Pro?
Set up MySQL database
News Script PHP Pro requires PHP 7.1 or higher version and MySQL 5.0 or higher version to run on your server - you can see the current version of PHP and MySQL in the control panel of your website.
Before starting the installation wizard of the script you will need to create a database for the script:
- Open the Control Panel(CPanel, Plesk or any other) of your hosting account.
- Find the Databases section, where you will be able to create a MySQL database.
- Durring database creation you will need to supply a Database name, Database user and password. You will also need to know the database server name — usually 'localhost'. Save all these details on your local machine for future reference on something such as Notepad.
- If you use your hosting account's 'cPanel' to create your database you must set Privileges to "ALL" for the Database user.
- If you have problems with creating a database - ask your web hosting company - normally they provide 24h email, phone or chat free support. Also, you may send us an email request and we will create database and install the script on your website.
Unzip or unrar, upload and install News Script PHP Pro
- Unzip the .zip file received from us. You can use programs such as Winzip, Winrar, or Stuffit Expander (Mac). They have all have trial versions.
- Next, upload all files to your website. You can either upload the complete folder (for example named "SCRIPTFOLDER") or you can upload all the files individually to a folder you created in the root directory of your website.
- Next step is to run the installation file(wizard) like typing in your browser:
* note that, you should replace "YOURDOMAIN" with your real domain name and "SCRIPTFOLDER" with the folder you created into the root of your website.
* note that, you should replace "YOURDOMAIN" with your real domain name and "SCRIPTFOLDER" with the folder you created into the root of your website.
- On your screen will appear the Installation wizard and will ask you to complete the form below:
- This information is what you saved when creating your database:
- MySQL server name which is usualy 'localhost'
- MySQL username - when you create a database you need to assign minimum one user
- MySQL password - this is the password of the user assigned to database
- Server path to script directory, Full URL to script directory, script directory name - they will appear automatically. You can change if they are different - usually on windows web server.
- Admin Username - this will be your username for the protected administrator pages
- Admin Password - this will be your password for the protected administrator pages
* note, that sometimes the servers does not send correct information about the version of MySQL and a message "Server version of MySQL is not ok!" might appear. The minimum requirements of MySQL for all of our scripts is version 5.0, so if you already created a MySQL database - go ahead and install the script.
- Click on 'Install Script' button and if all the database details are correct, you will see intermediate screen with message "Script successfully installed" and a link to the admin login form "Login here":
- Once you click on the link 'Login here', you will be redirect you to the administrator login page.
How to use News Script PHP Pro?
Enter Admin username and password that you set earlier:
Once the login is successful, you will enter admin area -> News List(it is empty after installation):
Create News. To create a news story, go to the 'News' menu -> 'Create News'.
If you create categories (from menu 'Categories'->'Create Category'), you will be able to add the story to the particular category.
If you create additional Editors (from menu 'Editors'->'Create Editor'), you will be able to assign an author of the article.
If you check 'Top News' checkbox the news will appear in the Top News section.
If want to add the news to the slider, you should tick on the checkbox for the slider.
If you check 'Highlight News' checkbox the news will appear in highlighted background (the color of the background can be set in 'Option'->'Visual options').
Make sure that you filled in the title, summary and content (within the text editor) fields.
You may also upload a photo and decide on its size and positioning.
You also are able to change the date and time of the news publishing.
Once you have uploaded news entries you can click the 'News Preview' button to see the live article as well as your top news list by selecting the 'Top News Preview' button.
If you create categories (from menu 'Categories'->'Create Category'), you will be able to add the story to the particular category.
If you create additional Editors (from menu 'Editors'->'Create Editor'), you will be able to assign an author of the article.
If you check 'Top News' checkbox the news will appear in the Top News section.
If want to add the news to the slider, you should tick on the checkbox for the slider.
If you check 'Highlight News' checkbox the news will appear in highlighted background (the color of the background can be set in 'Option'->'Visual options').
Make sure that you filled in the title, summary and content (within the text editor) fields.
You may also upload a photo and decide on its size and positioning.
You also are able to change the date and time of the news publishing.
Once you have uploaded news entries you can click the 'News Preview' button to see the live article as well as your top news list by selecting the 'Top News Preview' button.
News List. You are able to see the news entries ordered by date published.
You can order the articles by title, date published, status, category, editor(author) and number of article hits(views).
You are also able to move the news to the archive section. The archive list is stored in a different database table.
You can preview, edit, delete and move to archive any news article.
You can order the articles by title, date published, status, category, editor(author) and number of article hits(views).
You are also able to move the news to the archive section. The archive list is stored in a different database table.
You can preview, edit, delete and move to archive any news article.
News Comments - Admin. Here you are able to approve, edit or delete the news comments.
News Editors. You can have unlimited number of news editors/writers/authors as well as option ('Options'->'Visual options'->'Show Author(Editor)') to show the news author under the news title.
You may also have a direct link to 'Editor Login'—which is identical as the admin login, but used for editors(writers/authors). For example if the URL to admin is, the URL to editor area will be
You may also have a direct link to 'Editor Login'—which is identical as the admin login, but used for editors(writers/authors). For example if the URL to admin is, the URL to editor area will be
Main Options.You can set the number of news articles per page that are shown on the main page.
You are able to choose 3 different ways to display the news listing on the main news page (Only Title, Title and Summary, and Full News).
You can limit the number of the top news articles in your TOP News Section as well as choose how to display the top news.
You can the maximum number of the news in the slider.
Below you will see the field for the URL of the main news page. If this field is left blank and you click on the title of the news in the top news section - the article will be open in the same page where the top news section is placed.
If you fill the url to the all news page the Top news will be open for reading in the main news page.
There is also option to show/hide the search box for main news and archives, show hide the category drop-down menu in the front-end news list.
One interesting option is "Show the news on the date published" - if this option is set to "Yes" and if you choose some future date, the news will appear when this date and time become. It will be hidden until then.
"Set Default Time Zone" is for those who choose servers with different time zone. For example if you are located in London, but your webserver is located in New York, you should set "Europe/London [+1:00]", because New Your is 5 hours behind London in time zones comparison:
You are able to choose 3 different ways to display the news listing on the main news page (Only Title, Title and Summary, and Full News).
You can limit the number of the top news articles in your TOP News Section as well as choose how to display the top news.
You can the maximum number of the news in the slider.
Below you will see the field for the URL of the main news page. If this field is left blank and you click on the title of the news in the top news section - the article will be open in the same page where the top news section is placed.
If you fill the url to the all news page the Top news will be open for reading in the main news page.
There is also option to show/hide the search box for main news and archives, show hide the category drop-down menu in the front-end news list.
One interesting option is "Show the news on the date published" - if this option is set to "Yes" and if you choose some future date, the news will appear when this date and time become. It will be hidden until then.
"Set Default Time Zone" is for those who choose servers with different time zone. For example if you are located in London, but your webserver is located in New York, you should set "Europe/London [+1:00]", because New Your is 5 hours behind London in time zones comparison:
Comments Options. Be sure to set the administrator email address where you will receive the notifications for the new comments.
If the checkbox for 'Approval' is checked, new comments will be published only if they are approved.
You can set the order of the comments from the 'Comments order'.
Below you can choose "Type of the Captcha Verification Code". There are 4 choises for captchas: reCaptcha, Mathematical captcha, Simple captcha and Very Simple Captcha. The last one does not need GD Library installed in PHP on the server. If you choose reCaptcha, you can change the color theme - clean, red, white and blackglass.
For double sure that the spam comments will be stopped you may use the "Verification question" and "Verification answer". Just invent your question and answer and spammers will be in a difficult position. With the next option you can turn off comments by default, when create news.
Also you have text fields for banned IP addresses and banned words and bann spammers by their IP address and their words in comments. The IP addresses and words must me comma separated(, 321.321.321.321,, ...etc) (word1,word2,word3,…etc). The list of words are NOT case sensitive.
If the checkbox for 'Approval' is checked, new comments will be published only if they are approved.
You can set the order of the comments from the 'Comments order'.
Below you can choose "Type of the Captcha Verification Code". There are 4 choises for captchas: reCaptcha, Mathematical captcha, Simple captcha and Very Simple Captcha. The last one does not need GD Library installed in PHP on the server. If you choose reCaptcha, you can change the color theme - clean, red, white and blackglass.
For double sure that the spam comments will be stopped you may use the "Verification question" and "Verification answer". Just invent your question and answer and spammers will be in a difficult position. With the next option you can turn off comments by default, when create news.
Also you have text fields for banned IP addresses and banned words and bann spammers by their IP address and their words in comments. The IP addresses and words must me comma separated(, 321.321.321.321,, ...etc) (word1,word2,word3,…etc). The list of words are NOT case sensitive.
Visual Options. Visual Options TopNews. Visual Options Comments. Here you can set unlimited combinations of visual style of the main news page, top news section and their comments part to suit your website layout. Also, if you are advanced css user, you may open css_front_end.php, css_front_end_top.php or css_front_end_comments.php in styles folder(in the script package) and work directly with css styles.
Language Options. You can translate the news script front-end in your own language - 'Back' link, 'Read more' link, word 'Pages', 'No news published', system messages etc... Also there are 2 files in the script package named "language_admin.php" and "language_editor.php" where you can translate the admin area and editor/author area in your language.
Put on Webpage. You can choose one of two ways to put the news, top news and archived on your website. Also here is the code to place the Slider on your webpage.
Copy the code for all the news, top news or archived news, go to your page and paste between <body>code</body> tags. If you choose the second install option you will need to put this line of code <?php session_start(); ?> at the top of the php page (first line).
The same is for Slider news, but you should use only php include method to place the slider on your webpage. Remember that if you place the slider on the webpage, you should also use the php include for all the news(not iframe), because there is no way to click on any news on the slider and to jump to the new page and read the article if you use iframe method. So, the php include is the recommended way to place the news on your website.
The same is for Slider news, but you should use only php include method to place the slider on your webpage. Remember that if you place the slider on the webpage, you should also use the php include for all the news(not iframe), because there is no way to click on any news on the slider and to jump to the new page and read the article if you use iframe method. So, the php include is the recommended way to place the news on your website.
If the manual above is not clear enough, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Also, if you don't find answer of your question, please refer our FAQ section.