How to install News Script PHP?
Set up MySQL database
News Script PHP requires PHP 7.1 or higher version and MySQL 5.0 or higher version to run on your server - you can see the current version of PHP and MySQL in the control panel of your website.
Before starting the installation wizard of the script you will need to create a database for the script:
- Open the Control Panel(CPanel, Plesk or any other) of your hosting account.
- Find the Databases section, where you will be able to create a MySQL database.
- Durring database creation you will need to supply a Database name, Database user and password. You will also need to know the database server name — usually 'localhost'. Save all these details on your local machine for future reference on something such as Notepad.
- If you use your hosting account's 'cPanel' to create your database you must set Privileges to "ALL" for the Database user.
- If you have problems with creating a database - ask your web hosting company - normally they provide 24h email, phone or chat free support. Also, you may send us an email request and we will create database and install the script on your website.
Unzip or unrar, upload and install News Script PHP
- Unzip the .zip file received from us. You can use programs such as Winzip, Winrar, or Stuffit Expander (Mac). They have all have trial versions.
- Next, upload all files to your website. You can either upload the complete folder (for example named "SCRIPTFOLDER") or you can upload all the files individually to a folder you created in the root directory of your website.
- Next step is to run the installation file(wizard) like typing in your browser:
* note that, you should replace "YOURDOMAIN" with your real domain name and "SCRIPTFOLDER" with the folder you created into the root of your website.
* note that, you should replace "YOURDOMAIN" with your real domain name and "SCRIPTFOLDER" with the folder you created into the root of your website.
- On your screen will appear the Installation wizard and will ask you to complete the form below:

- This information is what you saved when creating your database:
- MySQL server name which is usualy 'localhost'
- MySQL username - when you create a database you need to assign minimum one user
- MySQL password - this is the password of the user assigned to database
- Server path to script directory, Full URL to script directory, script directory name - they will appear automatically. You can change if they are different - usually on windows web server.
- Admin Username - this will be your username for the protected administrator pages
- Admin Password - this will be your password for the protected administrator pages
* note, that sometimes the servers does not send correct information about the version of MySQL and a message "Server version of MySQL is not ok!" might appear. The minimum requirements of MySQL for all of our scripts is version 5.0, so if you already created a MySQL database - go ahead and install the script.
- Click on 'Install Script' button and if all the database details are correct, you will see intermediate screen with message "Script successfully installed" and a link to the admin login form "Login here":

- Once you click on the link 'Login here', you will be redirect you to the administrator login page.
How to use News Script PHP?
You can watch our video tutorial or read the instructions below the video:
Enter Admin username and password that you set earlier:

Once the login is successful, you will see the landing page of the admin area(it will be empty after the initial installation):

First, go to 'Put on Webpage' page and copy one of two codes. Then go to your page(file) and paste the code between <body>code</body> tags. Second code(with php include) is searching engines friendly, as you could see there is a code for the meta title and meta description. If you copy and paste the meta tags code into <head> section of the html code on your webpage, it will automatically generate meta title and description for searchin engines from the title and summary of the article:

Next, create a few sample news articles to see how it will appear on your news page. Go to 'News' button in administration and then hit 'Create News' Button. If you create categories (from menu 'Categories'->'Create Category'), you will be able to add the article to particular category. Then insert Title, Summary, Content of the article, upload image if you like, and image caption, set image location and image width. Hit button 'Create News'. It is just as simple to create additional news articles and to view how they will appear on your live website:

Then, go to the 'Options' section on admin page, and on 'Visual options' you can pre-define the visual style of the script front-end. From here you can completely change the way your news articles will appear. Note that you should click on the caption to open the particular style:

In 'Main options' you could set the number of news articles per page as well as choose between three options to display the news in the listing - Only Titles, Titles and Summary and Full News.
It is recommended to fill 'URL of the page where you placed the news' field - this is the page where you pasted the code from 'Put on WebPage'.
Also, you could show or hide the search box from the front-end.
There is option to show/hide categories drop-down menu.
Then next option "Show the news on the date published" - if you choose "yes", the news will be hidden until the datetime of date publishing the news. This date is editable in admin area.
If your webserver is on different time zone than your location, you may set your Default Time Zone.
It is recommended to fill 'URL of the page where you placed the news' field - this is the page where you pasted the code from 'Put on WebPage'.
Also, you could show or hide the search box from the front-end.
There is option to show/hide categories drop-down menu.
Then next option "Show the news on the date published" - if you choose "yes", the news will be hidden until the datetime of date publishing the news. This date is editable in admin area.
If your webserver is on different time zone than your location, you may set your Default Time Zone.

In 'Language options' you can translate all the words and sentences in your language. Also you may translate months and days of the week for the news dates. If you decide to use meta tags(copy and paste php include code for meta tags form "Put on WebPage") for the news, you should set the default meta tags here. Once the visitor click on any article, these meta title and description will be replaced with meta title and descrioption automatically generated from the article:

If the manual above is not clear enough, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Also, if you don't find answer of your question, please refer our FAQ section.